Sunday, January 25, 2009

My dog has separation anxiety.

It's true. Doug is crazy. He FREAKS out when people leave the house or sometimes even the room. And he really hates it when Jeff gets in the shower. Lucky for me, Good Morning America recently did a feature about this problem and apparently we are not alone. Here is some valuable info. I don't know if we'll actually be able to 'cure' him but I guess we can try.

Here is a video that illustrates this problem.


Typically the dog paces, whines, chews or scratches door and window sills, makes housebreaking mistakes, barks and generally gets stressed out. It doesn't matter if you're gone for five minutes or five hours, your dog stresses the moment you leave.

Separation anxiety (SA) dogs are often "owner addicts." They want to be leaning, touching, sitting on, gazing up at or sitting their owners every moment. This needs to change. Get a dog bed. It doesn't have to be fancy -- a folded blanket will do -- and give him all his petting and attention there. Treats are given there. Meals are given there. Make this the best seat in the house. Do not call him off of the bed to come to you, and leave him be when he is on it. This may be hard for you at first but things have to change, right?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

2009 Resolutions

I've never really done the New Years Resolution thing before. I think it kind of sets you up for failure to be so public about that sort of thing and whats the point of that?

So, rather than getting all "OFFICIAL" with resolutions, here are some goals for 2009. They aren't going to define my year by any means but what the heck? Some are ongoing things and some are just things I want to do this year.

-Use reusable grocery bags when grocery shopping
-Speaking of grocery shopping, let's add a little more though to that part of our week, shall we? Plan ahead a little perhaps instead of randomly shopping after work for dinner that night while hungry? Yes. Good Idea.
-Brush Doug's Teeth (easier said than done)
-Clip Doug's Nails (MUCH easier said than done)
-Watch a Blazers Game @ The Mission
-Go to Edgefield/Grand Lodge/Hotel Oregon
-Bring SHASTA Back!
-Figure out my video camera/computer capability issue
-Help Jeff build a firepit in our backyard
-Paint the living/dining room